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damage accessment and analysis redefined

fast, detailed, automated

Video, photo and audio capture with AI-based analysis and evaluation for all types of composite insurance claims:


  • Property insurance (e.g. household contents, building, motor vehicle insurance)

  • Liability insurance (e.g. private liability insurance, commercial liability insurance)

  • Technical insurance (e.g. machinery or electronics)

  • transport insurance

for private, commercial and industrial insurance use

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Messekongress Schadenmanagement & Assistance 2025, Leipzig

Am 19. und 20. März 2025 sind wir auf dem Messekongress Schadenmanagement & Assistance in Leipzig vertreten.

Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Einblicke in innovative KI-Lösungen für die Schadenregulierung und erfahren Sie, wie unsere Technologien Prozesse effizienter, kostensparender und kundenorientierter gestalten.

Besuchen Sie uns an unserem Stand – wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit Ihnen!

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Real time or

by appointment

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Location determination

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AI technology

Why aestimo?

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Fast damage analysis

Our AI-based platform analyzes insurance claims on-site and in real time.

Direct image and sound recordings as customer selfservice or by operator dialogue

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Real-time AI analysis of image content


Quantification of the amount of damage and plausibility of the associated policies

Seamless integration

Integrate aestimo into your existing processes


Compatible with existing systems


as SaaS Serverless AWS Instance


API connection to core insurance systems

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& Security

Easy to use and highest data protection standards

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Analysis and correlation of audio recordings of loss events in any language and report output in any language.


Start via SMS and then one-touch to record images and sounds


Simplest mobile application FREE of app installation therefore suitable for every generation


Fraud detection of image material by AI with justification

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ISO 27001 certified and DORA compliant until the end of Q1 2025

Customer testimonials

"aestimo helps us digitize our processes and has made a significant contribution to reducing costs."


Ostangler Insurance

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Danke für's Abonnieren!

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